Planning consultancy based in central England

Providing a comprehensive town planning consultancy service to clients in the Midlands region covering Northamptonshire, Warwickshire, West Midlands, Leicestershire, Oxon and Bucks.


Hammond Town Planning Limited is an independent planning consultancy practice here to help you negotiate your way through the sometimes complex planning system to achieve your residential, commercial and rural development goals.

Hammond Town Planning's mission is to provide honest, clear and concise planning advice and services, based on over 30 years’ experience in planning and development.

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Roy Hammond

Royal Town Planning Institute LogoGet in touch

Planning Services

Hammond Town Planning Limited will assist you with each step of the planning process from project inception and initial appraisal through to council decision and beyond.

Planning Appraisals

To identify development potential, policy compliance, constraints and opportunities and the best strategy for securing permission.

Planning Applications

Including full planning, outline and reserved matters applications, and prior approval applications (including change of use from agricultural to residential and commercial to residential).

Certificates of Lawfulness

To establish the lawfulness of existing and proposed uses, and non-compliance with planning conditions.

Discharge of Planning Conditions

Including formulation of construction environmental management plans.

Planning Appeals

Hammond Town Planning will will always look to identify alternative ways forward, but sometimes appealing the Council’s decision is the only right way forward.

Planning Enforcement Resolution

Including negotiation with Council, certificates of lawfulness and appeal.

Development Plan Representations

Development plan monitoring and promotion of the land through the development plan process.

Planning Services

When not acting as lead agent, we can supply Planning Statements and Design and Access Statements to support your application to Council.

Hammond Town Planning Limited has established relationships with a number of other professionals including architects, surveyors, ecologists and transport consultants to assist you with your planning/development project.

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